If your Soul Urge Number is 8, you are a natural-born leader, organizer, and achiever. You possess a strong sense of ambition and a desire for success, recognition, and material wealth. You value power, authority, and influence, and are often drawn to business and entrepreneurship.

In this article, we’ll explore the meaning of Soul Urge Number 8 in more detail, and provide insights and tips on how to use this number to embrace your inner leader, find success and prosperity, and achieve your goals in life.

What is a Soul Urge Number?

A Soul Urge Number is a core numerology calculation that represents the innermost desires, passions, and motivations of an individual. It is calculated based on the vowels in a person’s full birth name, and it is also known as the Heart’s Desire Number.

In numerology, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a numerical value, and these values are used to calculate the Soul Urge Number. The vowels in a person’s name are assigned a numerical value, and these values are added together and reduced to a single digit, unless the result is a Master Number (11, 22, or 33).

The Soul Urge Number is believed to reveal a person’s deepest desires, aspirations, and motivations. It can provide insight into what drives a person at their core and what they truly value in life. It may also shed light on their strengths, weaknesses, and potential challenges.

How is the soul urge number calculated?

Calculating your Soul Urge Number is a simple process that involves assigning numerical values to the vowels in your full birth name and then adding them together.

Here is a step-by-step guide to calculating your Soul Urge Number:

Step 1: Write out your full birth name

Write out your full birth name, including your first, middle, and last names.

For example, if your name is John William Smith, write out “John William Smith.”

Step 2: Assign numerical values to the vowels

Assign numerical values to each vowel in your name using the following chart:

A = 1, E = 5, I = 9, O = 6, U = 3, Y = 7

For example, in the name “John William Smith,” the vowels are “o,” “i,” “i,”,”a”, and “i.”

Soul Urge Number Calculation

So, you would assign the following numerical values:

O = 6, I = 9, I = 9,  A = 1, I = 9

Step 3: Add up the numerical values

Add up the numerical values for each vowel in your name. If you have any double-digit numbers, add those digits together until you have a single-digit number.

For example, in the name “John William Smith,” the numerical values for the vowels are:

O = 6, I = 9, I = 9, A = 1, I = 9

Add these values together: 6 + 9 + 9 + 1+9 = 34

Since 29 is a double-digit number, add the digits together: 3 + 4 = 7

Step 4: Reduce to a single digit

If your Soul Urge Number is a double-digit number (11, 22, or 33), you do not need to reduce it further, as these are considered master numbers in numerology.

If your Soul Urge Number is any other double-digit number, continue to reduce it by adding the digits together until you have a single-digit number.

For example, if your Soul Urge Number is 29, you would add the digits together: 2 + 9 = 11. Since 11 is a master number, you would not reduce it further.

If your Soul Urge Number is 47, you would add the digits together: 4 + 7 = 11. Again, since 11 is a master number, you would not reduce it further.

If your Soul Urge Number is 56, you would add the digits together: 5 + 6 = 11. Once again, since 11 is a master number, you would not reduce it further.

What Does it Mean if Your Soul Urge Number is 8?

If your Soul Urge Number is 8, you are likely a driven and ambitious individual who values material success and financial stability. You may have a strong desire to achieve power and influence in your career, and may be drawn to business, finance, or entrepreneurship.

You have a natural talent for leadership and management, and may be described as confident, assertive, and determined. You are willing to take calculated risks and work hard to achieve your goals.

However, the downside of Soul Urge Number 8 is that you may sometimes struggle with materialism and greed. You may become overly focused on achieving financial success at the expense of your personal relationships and well-being.

Learning to balance your ambition with compassion and generosity can help you overcome these challenges and create a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Soul Urge Number 8 Traits 

  1. Ambitious: People with a Soul Urge Number 8 tend to be highly ambitious and may be driven to achieve success in their careers or personal lives.
  2. Confident: They tend to be highly confident in their abilities and may be able to inspire others with their sense of purpose and determination.
  3. Practical: They tend to be highly practical and may be good at making sound financial or business decisions.
  4. Resourceful: They tend to be highly resourceful and may be able to find solutions to problems that others overlook.
  5. Independent: They tend to be highly independent and may prefer to work alone or have a lot of autonomy in their work.
  6. Decisive: They tend to be decisive and may be able to make tough decisions quickly and confidently.
  7. Assertive: They tend to be assertive and may be able to stand up for themselves and others in difficult situations.
  8. Materialistic: They may have a strong desire for material wealth and success, and may be driven by a desire for financial security.
  9. Competitive: They may be highly competitive and enjoy winning or being the best in their field.

Soul Urge Number 8 Compatibility

Soul Urge Number 8 Compatibility

Soul Urge Number 8 is a highly ambitious and success-oriented number, which indicates a strong desire to achieve financial stability, power, and recognition. People with this Soul Urge Number tend to be highly driven and hardworking, and they have a strong sense of purpose and determination.

In terms of compatibility, people with Soul Urge Number 8 tend to be highly compatible with individuals who share their goals and ambitions. They are drawn to people who are also highly motivated and goal-oriented, and who share their desire for financial success and stability.

People with Soul Urge Number 8 tend to be highly practical and strategic, and they may be drawn to individuals who have a strong sense of organization and structure. They also value intelligence and may be attracted to people who are highly analytical and logical.

Best Career Choice for People with Soul Urge Number 8?

Soul Urge Number 8 Career

If your Soul Urge Number is 8, you likely have a strong desire for success, achievement, and material abundance. You may enjoy taking risks and pursuing ambitious goals. Here are some career options that may align with your Soul Urge Number:

  • Entrepreneur or business owner: Your desire for success and achievement may make you well-suited to starting your own business or pursuing a career in management or leadership.
  • Finance or investment professional: You may be skilled at analyzing financial data and making shrewd investment decisions, making you well-suited to a career in finance or investment banking.
  • Sales or marketing professional: Your ability to take risks and pursue ambitious goals may make you well-suited to a career in sales or marketing, where you can use your skills to drive business growth.

The Negative Side of Soul Urge Number 8?

  1. Greed: Individuals with this number may have a tendency toward greed and materialism, leading them to prioritize wealth and power over other important aspects of life.
  2. Ruthlessness: People with this number may be willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, even if it means stepping on others to get there.
  3. Control: Individuals with this number may have a need for control and may struggle to delegate tasks or trust others to handle important responsibilities.
  4. Workaholism: People with this number may have a tendency to become workaholics, prioritizing work over other important areas of life, such as family and relationships.
  5. Dominance: Individuals with a Soul Urge Number of 8 may have a tendency to dominate others and may struggle with empathy and understanding.
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